Inspiración para hoy... Joaquín Sorolla. El verano y Leonard Cohen.

Esta semana llega el verano!!!

Niños en la playa  1910  Joaquín Sorolla  (Museo del Prado Madríd)

No existe más que una estación: el verano. Es tan hermosa que las otras giran a su alrededor. El otoño evoca al verano, el invierno lo invoca y la primavera lo envidia.
Ennio Flaiano 
(Italia 1910-1972)

Leonard Cohen - Sharon Robinson

Summertime when will you come?
I wanna put my light things on
I wanna put my winter life away
Summertime I need a sunny day

I want those peaches on the table
Want the watermelon red
And the warm sun creeping through the window
To ease me out of bed

I want the sand out there to lie on
And the sea out there to swim
So my heart can take a holiday
From breaking over him

Summertime when will you come?
I wanna put my light things on
Wanna put my winter life away
Summertime I need a sunny day

And I want to drive forever
Wanna roll those windows down
Get the breeze back on my body
Get my feet back on the ground

I want the sand out there to lie on
And the sea out there to swim
So my heart can take a holiday
From breaking over him

Summertime when will you come?
I wanna put my light things on
I wanna put my winter life away
Summertime I need a sunny day 

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